Software Test Reporting the Results

When you have completed the execution of the test cases you will come up with
The result. Report the result to the team lead/project lead /Project manager.

(Note) Do not report a bug to a developer directly (Until you told to do so)
(Note) If the organization at which you are working has a bug tracking tool log the bug In the tool

Bug logging/tracking tool: -
A bug tracking tool is used to log all the bugs build wise/product Wise. It is configured centrally so that every one can access it through browser with the given privileges. Most of the bug tracking tools provides a facility of mail configuration and customization of the fields in it. When a bug is logged or updated the status will be sent to the TL/PL/PM as configured.

The process generally goes like this

a) Test engineer logs a bug in the bug tracking tool
b) A mail will be sent to the TL/PL/PM (if it is configured)
c) TL/PL/PM will review the bug and allot it to the corresponding developer
d) Developer fixes the bug and updates the status in the bug tracking tool. Mail will be sent to the TL/PL/PM about the updation & to the test engineer (If it is configured)
e) Test engineer will validates the bug and update the status as one of the following
  FAD (Function as designed)
  DL    (Design limitation)
 * Step “e” is called as a bug life cycle.

(Note1) 5&6 points will be updated in the bug tracker by a developer.
(Note2) If any bug that you have reported and developer updates its status as Fad or dl,     but still you feel it is a bug you can call for meeting and discuss its impact on the product and explain why you want to make it as a bug
(Note3) Never report a bug to a developer directly.

A bug logging /tracking tool has the following fields (In General):-

a) Bug id (This is a tool generated number)
b) Title    (Title of the bug)
c) Setup   (Give the installation details)
d) Steps to reproduce (includes expected & actual result)
e) Product
f) Version
g) Build
h) Operating system
i) Bug category (functional, design, documentation, GUI etc)
j) Bug Severity (High/major, medium/minor, low/trivial)
k) Status (New, open, closed, reopen, Fad, DL, duplicate)
l) Comments/notes
m) Attachments

(Note) These fields might be differing among bug tracking tools.
(Note) You can also customize fields as per requirements

Note on bug severities:
a) Major/high        : System inoperable, causes system to hang or crash
b) Minor/medium : Incorrect results or behavior with known reasons
c) Trivial/low        : Affects limited areas of functionality, cosmetic changes ETC

Reasons for software having bugs:-
Following are the most common reasons for a software application/system/product
Having bugs in it

a) Software complexity
b) Programming errors
c) In sufficient application requirements & poor design
d) Time pressures
e) Frequent changes in requirements
f) Usage of third party tools & software’s in the product/application/system